ASS3 - Tutor Feedback

Tutor Feedback Assignment 3

My feedback from this assignment is again very positive. James has talked about various points which I will go over here.

First I'll start with room for improvement points to make for myself. My tutor mentions that through this assignment that my style has been quite similar throughout. When I did drawing one and painting one it was a lot about finding your personal voice and finding your style. I think I have found my style, which by the way I am always evolving but perhaps as this has been pointed out before that on this course they also want to see you experimenting and using new ways and ideas all the time to keep adapting your work and to make sure I guess that this is the style that is right for you. I will try to in the next assignment to create things using different styles just in case this is what examiners want to see - your versatility.

Birds of a feather flock together - My tutor was impressed by the amount of work I put in to this and he even gave me an idea to think of that instead of doing the bird the same kind of breed as the others perhaps made him more simple and holding a feather so he stands out more. I didn't think of using a different simple bird at the time but this would of made the meaning behind the illustration more obvious to the view.

From my tutors review feel like m on the right track for Assessment. He liked my final of The tree of Sloth graphic novel and also gave me some pointers about the layout and what to think about next time I do one.

Overall I am doing well but I really need to show other ways of working too. I shall keep this in mind throughout assignment 4 and see what I can come up with.


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