ASS2 - Project 5 - Travel illustration

Research point

Source a range of images in which illustrators have created a sense of us and them or ‘otherness’. Read the images and identify how you think they have they done this. Think about how they could have represented the subject differently, to avoid creating such a distance between them and the subject. You may want to look at contemporary reportage illustrators, historic examples or browse through the Bridgeman or VAD image archives. Write a brief summary of your thoughts in your learning log.

Regarding this research task I got really stuck into it and got carried away - I actually discovered something quite shocking that will help me to give my opinion and talk about otherness.

Today otherness is not as huge as it was back 100 years ago. I still think it goes on in some aspects and also I hate to say it but Racism is still a thing here - A 100 years later. which does not help.

Over the last few weeks it has been a conversation in the world of football with black footballers being called names by crowds etc. It saddens me to think that people think it's fine to call someone out and acknowledge the colour of their skin - I think it's so stupid it's uneducated and in todays world people should know better.

     "Otherness" is a strong word when it comes to people its picking people out from the majority and stating there not the same - they are different/new This also use to happen with animals to such as in the old circuses - In my research I discovered in 1905 there were things know as Human Zoos. Directors from certain Zoos such as Berlin would take people away from their homes such as Congo and make them live at the zoo - They would be then showcased to the crowds who came to the zoo who would marvel in the differences and observe them. Here are some pictures below:

Image result for human zoos.

An African girl is shown at the 1958 Expo in Brussels, Belgium that featured a 'Congo Village' with visitors watching her from behind wooden fences

  As well as this early interest of people it was also seen in circuses ,with wild animals such as lions and elephants. I think people got a kick out of seeing these dangerous animals being tamed and obeying their master: Behind the scenes however they only managed this by using electric rods and proding them with sharp sticks that would pierce the animals skin.

Image result for old circus poster

  However back then the viewers never saw this and only saw the illustrations on posters when a circus was coming to town. Like this one above it shows elephants performing acts  and dresses in silly clothes -The viewers prop though this looks like great fun and seeing huge animals performing tricks.

Otherness and how would i do it differently?

  Here are some illustrations I have found, which I think show otherness from past and contemporary artists. I will also think about how they could have represented the subject differently, to avoid creating such a distance between them and the subject.

    For this illustration above, the two ladies are interested in posing with the man to get a drawing done. This to me says they are fascinated by the man and the culture which was probably something they had not seen before. Perhaps to do it different I would of had them shaking their hands to show equality and respect.

Columbus at Hispaniola, from 'The Narrative and Critical History of America', edited by Justin Winsor, London, 1886 (engraving) (later colouration)

      In this illustration explorers have landed on an island and the people who live on it were celebrating their arrival and making food offerings. Yet if you look more harder in the background you can see some of the tribesmen running away and getting attacked, as though the men who have arrived think it is ok to try and claim their land. This is a hard one to think about how to do it differently as I am not sure if this  factual as to what happened but if its not I would change it so the explorers were accepting their food gesture and arriving in peace.

Sacagawea with Lewis and Clark during their expedition of 1804-06 (colour litho)

     I think this  is quite a important illustration that I came across which I don't think needs to be changed but it does show otherness - they are asking a woman who lives in the mountains for directions - they seem friendly enough although they have a gun but its nice to see they are all respectful of each other.

Fish Wife, 2009 (oil on canvas)

    I've really struggled to find much contemporary otherness illustrations - One I found was the above showing a lady on the beach fishing. It shows otherness because in most countries we usually go to the shop  or a restaurant to get fish etc. Here the illustrator is showing a woman who has had to fish  for herself which to me shows that theres a difference. If  was to change this illustration I would perhaps show other people in the scene doing the same thing and having fun to make it more of an image that it is something this lady enjoys doing what she is doing in the sun and would make the viewer imagine them selves being there. 

My overall opinion, is that you have to be careful and think about what your illustrating first as it could upset and offend people. I think otherness is old fashioned and togetherness is more where we all want to be in todays world.

Exercise: There and back again 

With sketchbook in hand, go on a journey and document the experience. Depending on your circumstances this might be a regular commute from one end of town to the other on the bus, a short holiday, or a day trip. Wherever you decide to go, produce at least three drawings or illustrations that say something about your experience of setting out on your journey, your destination, and your travel home. You may want to use more drawings to illustrate some of the stages in between

For this task I am going to record my journey that I am going on later today, to a concert. I am going with my partner, who is driving, so I can sit in the passenger chair and draw along the way and back again.  I will be taking in as much informations as I can of the surroundings. I am also going to be sketching in the concert -We have sitting seats so it should be ok - I am more nervous about people looking at me strange in the concert whilst the crowds are dancing but I will just try to ignore it. Also on the way back, it will be night time so everything will be dark. Im worried how I am going to capture the journey back by sketching but as long as I draw what I see it should be ok.

Here are my illustrations below from last nights event and journey: 

On the way There

    Here above are illustrations I did of the journey tto the concert in Birmingham. It was quite difficult to do detailed sketches as we were moving so fast on the motorway. I just kept looking up and picking out objects out that I could see and creating quick sketches. I did a few attempts to grasp the view in front of me but it kept changing so I had to draw quickly.  I noticed things such as road cones, county-side landscapes, road signs and the inside of the car. 

At The Event

    At the event - I found it very difficult to get good sketches here. There were so many people and It was awkward to see over other people dancing away - These above are the images i attained from the concert and I think I did ok - I took in what I could see and also jotted notes down to help me when it comes to drawing the main illustrations. the concert was very good and I did end up standing up and having a dance too!

 Back Again

on the journey back it was 11.30pm We were driving in darkness and in somplaces the only light we has was from other car or reflective signs. I have sketched as much as I could see got 15min but I was also very tired after the event.

As well as sketches I also took photos here are just a few:

The Task At Hand

I have decided to do this small task I am going to put my photoshop skills to use to help me improve them. 

I have looked at my photos and sketches and created these three final illustrations:

I think they each represent an important part of my journey and there is no need for more. I am going to scan these in o photoshop and work on them to create a digital illustration of each.

Here below are images of me halfway through each illustration on photoshop.

    So far they are going well and I am looking forward to seeing them finished - I am not very sure how I am going to to the night time for the journey back illustration, but I am hoping with experimenting in photoshop and create something good.

Final images

Here are my finished illustrations below:
Journey There

At The Concert

Back Home

     I am very happy with my photoshop illustrations, my series of illustrations that tell a story of my journey there and back again. I like the concert illustration the best as it was fun adding in the crowds and the lighting. the first illustration of the journey there was quite technical with a lot of things to include. At one point, I was getting confused with all the layers that I was creating but after naming them all and putting them in some sort of order it helped me to see. The back home illustration also I think works well. I like how I captured the darkness and even put a tone on the road. It makes the viewer see that we were driving into darkness. Also I used a glow effect around the electric lights in the can and the reflective sign outside to show the shininess and glow of these items in the dark.

     Overall I enjoyed the experience of going somewhere taking my sketchbook and recording the whole thing. It was fun to do and observe what is around me in a car instead of just waiting until we get there. It was an eye opener and I will be sketching like this when I go on another interesting journey in the future. 


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