Introduction to the OCA Illustration 2 Course

Hello and welcome to my blog.

I am excited to start this course and get started to see what this year shall bring. I have been studying towards a BA Hons Degree with the Open College Of Arts. I have done Three courses and feel I have already learned so much. I have done Drawing one which helped me to brush up on my drawing skills. Oil Painting 1 which I thought I would attempt to learn to paint. I discovered that I found it quite difficult and didn't like using oil paints as a medium. The last course I did was Illustration 1 which I really enjoyed. I learned so much as I knew this is deffo my area in Art. I discovered a love of paper which I found my style and now want to develop it further. I am looking forward to diving in this course and hope it brings me improvement and further discovery of myself and what I can achieve.

The course aims are below:

Course aims This course builds on your learning from Level 1. The unit aims to:

• develop an understanding of the visual language, practices and processes of reportage, narrative and intepretive illustration
• explore the relationship between illustrator, client and audiences
• apply creative problem solving, interpretive and/or reportage skills to client led briefs, competitions or other real world contexts
• apply visual research and idea development techniques
• provide an opportunity to select, test and apply appropriate methods of visual and written communication
• develop the skills for the critical evaluation of the work of others and of self.

Course outcomes On successful completion of the course you’ll be able to:

• show a critical and contextual understanding of illustration practices • demonstrate how your practice relates to clients and audiences
• demonstrate an ability to interpret and creatively respond to client led or self-initiated briefs
• generate visual research and outcomes that show some personal visual language
• present evidence of selection, testing, application and evaluation of illustration skills and techniques • critically evaluate own work informed by the work of others.

I hope you enjoy my blog and take away some ideas for your selves :)


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