
Showing posts from August, 2019

ASS3 - Project 3 - Sequential illustration

Project: Sequential illustration Research point  For this research I have picked a film called Spirit the Stallion It is one of my favourite animation films that has everything in it and use to watch it as a teen a lot so I know the film very well. Can you boil the story down to its most basic elements? The story is about a horse who wants to be free. What’s driving this narrative and how is it resolved at the end? The horse gets captured by some bad people, gets free and then gets captured a few more times. The narrative aim for the horse is to be free in the wild with his heard. Hes a beautiful stallion which makes him so popular to the people who want to capture him and own hi for themselves to ride. The drive is that the horse is constantly fighting for his freedom yet faces obstacles in his way and is constantly followed by a sheriff who also want to capture him. It is resolved at the end by the people accepting he should live freely and than no one can own ...

ASS3 - Project 2 Image and Text

Research Point     Kafka’s short story The Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung), first published in 1915, is a strongly visual tale of a man called Gregor who wakes up one day to find himself transformed into a beetle. The story then explores how Gregor and his parents deal with this transformation. The Metamorphosis is set in Gregor’s bedroom in his parents’ house, and the door of the room becomes an important visual metaphor for being trapped.  Research how different illustrators have tackled this story. You’ll find that there’s a limited range of images –  the bedroom door, the beetle and the bed.  How have illustrators used these elements?  Where in the narrative have artists placed the image – before, after or during the transformation?  How have illustrators’ choices framed your understanding of what the story is about? Which do you think is the most successful version?     To begin my research I have red the story and w...