
Showing posts from April, 2018

ASS 1 - Project 4 - Visual space

Research point Find examples of illustrators who have designed wallpapers, fabrics, wrapping paper or on other flat surfaces that you find interesting. How do their illustrations play with the idea of flatness? Amy Reber       Amy's work is well suited to use for wallpaper, textiles and wrapping paper. Her style is bright and powerful she illustrates a lot of botanical elements in her work. Her work looks flat but is very creative. She overlaps her drawings such as leaves to look in front of and behind each other which creates a view of depth on a flat surface.  She also makes the leaves different colours to make it clearer that they are overlapping. On the one with the pink flowers, she has used a dark purple background. Using a dark colour created depth behind her plant illustrations, this is another way to create depth on a flat surface.  Abigail Borg ...